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Schedule of events - Donostia Kultura

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  • Inaugurazioa

  • Japan gaua

  • Nobitaren dinosauro berria (116')

  • Mads (88')

  • Anzu, gato fantasma (90')

  • Rich flu (116')

  • Escape from the 21st century / Azrael

  • Timestalker (89')

  • The colours within (101')

  • Krazy house (86')

  • Traumatika

  • Else (100')

  • 1978 (80')

  • Exhuma (134')

  • Nazioarteko film laburren maratoia

  • Euskal film laburren maratoia (85 min)

  • Terrifier 3 (125')

  • Things will be different (102')

  • Maratón cortos animación

  • Oddity (98')

  • Pandilla monstruo - Spermageddon

  • Maratón cortos españoles

  • Wreck (75') VEA

  • Bodegón con fantasmas (87')

  • Halloween gaua AZ

  • Exorcismo (123')

  • Give it all (95')

  • Bukaera / Clausura


  • Paraíso de los negros

  • Migratzaileak

  • Maitasunak-Amores

  • Ertza - 20 urte / años - GALA

  • Together to get there

  • Querencia


  • Loti Ederrak

  • Zimurren artean kontukontari

  • Onin eta antzerkiaren misterioa

  • Nhil

  • Anónima

  • Historias cortas, sin palabras

  • Variations

  • Error 404

  • Amama

  • Go!azen 11.0 Kontzertua

  • Ali baba eta 40 lapurrak

  • Doppiozero

  • Ene Kantak

  • Azken festa


  • III Kutixik jaialdia

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Friday, 25 October 2024

  • Mikel Azpiroz

  • Coque Malla

  • Soul Chemestry feat. Erena Terakubo

  • Fanfare Ciorcalia

  • Dorian

  • Albert Pla & Diego Cortés

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Friday, 8 November 2024

  • Yerai Cortés

  • Julia Holter

  • The Necks

  • XII. Zombie Jaialdia

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Sold out Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Friday, 22 November 2024

  • Belar Hostoak II

  • Donostia Bertsotan

  • Revolution Jamrock 2024

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Friday, 29 November 2024

  • ZAZ

  • Ruper Ordorika

  • El Twanguero

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Friday, 13 December 2024

  • Doctor Deseo

    Special offer Venta anticipada

    Venta anticipada On sale until Saturday, 14 December 2024

  • Discos Mon Oncle

  • El Caserío

  • XXIII. Concurso de Cante Flamenco

  • Amateur

  • Belako + Anari

    Special offer Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada

    Sold out Aurresalmenta - Venta anticipada On sale from Monday, 5 August 2024 to Thursday, 26 December 2024

  • Janus Lester

  • Depedro

  • Maika Makovski

  • El Drogas

    Special offer Venta anticipada_El Drogas

    Venta anticipada_El Drogas On sale from Wednesday, 23 October 2024 to Friday, 28 February 2025

  • The Datsuns + Artista Invitado

    Special offer Venta anticipada_The Datsuns

    Venta anticipada_The Datsuns On sale from Friday, 20 September 2024 to Friday, 21 March 2025


  • Conferencia-Taller: Educar en positivo


  • Zorretan

  • Tierra

  • Irantzu Varela

  • Erreka Mari

  • Hoy no estrenamos

  • Nahastumbury

  • Komentu desberdin bat

  • 17 veces, reloaded

  • Miñan

  • Restos de un naufragio

  • Matrimonio Palavrakis

  • Coraza abierta

  • El Alcalde de Zalamea

  • Ai gure juaneteak

  • Mahmud y no solo Mahmud

  • La madre

  • El público

  • Txikiren azken istantea lagunekin bat

  • Nevenka

  • Burro

  • Kinky Boots el musical

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