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Seat selection on map [Antzoki Zaharra - Teatro Principal | 16.03.2025 - 20:00 | Ni flores, ni funeral, ni cenizas, ni tantán] - Donostia Kultura
Ni flores, ni funeral, ni cenizas, ni tantán
Ni flores, ni funeral, ni cenizas, ni tantán
Teatro PrincipalAntzoki Zaharra - Teatro Principal
Ni flores, ni funeral, ni cenizas, ni tantán
Sunday, 16 March 2025
Teatro PrincipalAntzoki Zaharra - Teatro Principal
Promoter: Victoria Eugenia Antzokia S.A
Ni flores, ni funeral, ni cenizas, ni tantán is a story of overcoming, tenderness and humanity. With palliative care and “good dying” as its central theme, the new play by La Dramática Errante is a journey of a father and a daughter as they follow the oldest route in all of Europe: the Camino de Santiago.
A crossroads between stories that invite us to reflect on death and an inspiring acknowledgement of all those people who have left this world with pain, also embracing all those others who accompany them in this last stage of life.
Dramaturgy and direction: María Goiricelaya Basque version: Patxo Tellería Assistant director: Eider Zaballa Executive production: Ane Pikaza, Xabino Alkorta Cast: Ane Pikaza, Aitor Borobia, Loli Astoreka, Patxo Telleria, Egoitz Sánchez, Idoia Merodio Set design: David Pascual Visuals: Estudio Gheada Costumes: Daniel F. Carrasco Lighting design: David Alcorta Sound design: Ibon Aguirre Technician on tour: Alaine Arzoz, Endika Príncipe Communication: NOIZ labo Production: La Dramática Errante Distribution: Portal 71
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